Content by AI – making the impossible possible

When producing large volumes of high-quality text, it is efficient to use artificial intelligence. That is why we offer Content by AI, together with our co-owned company EngineAI.

Content by AI – high quality content at ultra-fast speeds

Content by AI gives you access to both text and content on a scale that is impossible to replicate by a human, at least, not in the time that AI can do it.

Yes, we live in a time where creating text for millions of objects from just a few input values is a possibility. Content by AI is actually as incredible as it sounds. It is perfect for e-retailers with thousands of products and extensive catalogs needing content and complex landing pages.

Want to get started? Get in touch with us and we will tell you more.
Content by AI från Karlssons copybyrå

Advanced cooperation

Filling your information needs with Content by AI requires partnerships with both existing and sophisticated AI.

To make today's artificial intelligence business ready we founded EngineAI together with the web agency Inosida. With our smart engine, we can independently use the best AI platforms on the market, including GPT-4.

With EngineAI, it is possible to have company-specific glossaries, control functions and API connections to existing CMS and PIM systems. All this functionality makes it possible to produce the content you have longed for but never had the time or resources to create.

Content by AI is the future

Karlssons and EngineAI have reinvented the wheel, making it more efficient and effective. Content that was previously too complicated or too costly to produce is now a reality, with the combination of modern AI technology and the expertise of our copywriters.

When you need to get the impossible done – think Karlssons. Think AI. Contact us today!

Frequently asked questions about Content by AI

How does artificial intelligence work?

Today's technology has made huge strides in allowing computers to learn from each other and help humans perform activities. This could be anything from producing a large volume of text or summarizing cross-tabs for analysis. AI tools use advanced algorithms and natural language processing to create the content. However, the AI needs our help to know how to produce the content. So we have developed our own engine to do this.

How do you work with AI at Karlssons?

Together with you, we discuss the assignment and define the content to be produced. The more basic data we have, the easier it is to produce high-quality content. We start by training the AI on the tonality of the texts, treach it industry-specific words and whether other items should be included. Then we hand over to EngineAI, which connects our engine to your CMS. When you wake up on Monday morning, all your texts have been generated and are ready for publication.

What is the difference between a copywriter and an AI?

What sets a copywriter apart from AI is the copywriter's capacity for abstract thinking and imagination. You know when a few words should describe a product without a linear connection. Or when a campaign needs to surprise without being quirky. Humans know humans best, and it's likely to stay that way for a while.

However, an AI can produce huge amounts of text without losing focus. How about 70,000 product texts in one day? No human can do that. At Karlssons we have a unique combination of experienced copywriters and an AI engine that is business ready.

How do I get started with AI-generated content?

The easiest way to get started using AI to produce business-ready content is to contact us. We have the experience and knowledge to get it right, every time.

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